Last day in Taipei

Last few days in Taipei have been very holiday like. Sleeping in, watching TV, exploring the city and surrounds.

Every night that we have been out walking around we have walked by some homeless men sleeping on the street. They have all of their gear loaded up in plasic bags, on their old bicycles.   Tonight we took our camping mats with us and gave them away to a couple of guys who stay near the train station. Sadly the guys were not there but we left the mats for them on their bicycles. We have so much camping gear back home that we definitely did not need to transport the new mats back to Australia.

Catching the plane tomorrow afternoon so we have time for one last breakfast out. We have found a place that does really yummy bagels with blueberry cream cheese.

Today while walking around we were lucky enough to get caught up in a parade with fire crackers, floats and fancy cars. Check out the flames coming out the top.

We were also very lucky the other night. Someone tried to steal our bikes. The locks did their job and whoever it was gave up.

2 thoughts on “Last day in Taipei”

  1. Well done. Followed Your blog every day. Thanks for pictures and reports. Lot of respect to the boys.

    Greetings from Hillo and Eric seen in Bankrut now just arrived in cold old germany.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting. The boys did an amazing job pushing us parents all around SE Asia. We have also just returned to our home town and it rained all day. The weather hasn’t put the boys off having fun. Both of them having sleepovers with their friends tonight, second night back.

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